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Exactly what you need to know to thrive in the post-NAR settlement world
Real Buyer
Real President Sharran Srivatsaa Breaks It Down
The changes from the NAR settlement are some of the biggest shifts our industry has ever seen. We've heard from agents everywhere who are trying to wrap their heads around what this means for them and how to get ready for what’s next. That’s why we’ve put together this free, all-access playbook filled with resources for everyone in the industry. Change isn’t easy, but we can tackle it together through skill-building and teamwork. At Real, we're here to make life easier for all agents because these changes affect us all. By sharing what we know, we can lift the entire industry. Let’s reshape the future of real estate – together.
The Post-Settlement Rule Set
As a result of their settlement, the NAR is now enforcing the following rules on buyer agent compensation:

Decoupling of Compensation

The long-time, robust model of real estate commissions was based around “cooperation compensation”, where the Listing Broker would share the negotiated commissions with the Buyer Broker. Real believes that practice changes are moving toward a more “direct compensation” practice, where the Seller and/or Buyer directly compensate the brokers for representation. Meaning, the mechanics of broker to broker compensation (traditional cooperation) is now replaced by compensation that is paid directly by the Seller and/or Buyer as part of the closing process.

Download the Buyer Agent Navigator for a complete breakdown

No Offers of Compensation on the MLS

In the traditional implementation of the Broker to Broker cooperation process, the Listing Broker would advertise the commission offered to the Buyer Broker on the MLS. Going forward, there cannot be any offers of Buyer Broker compensation made on the MLS. This prohibits direct and indirect references of any kind (including references in random MLS fields or private remarks sections) hinting at the offer of compensation on the MLS. The NAR settlement also requires the MLS to eliminate any Buyer Broker compensation fields and compensation information on the MLS.

Download the Buyer Agent Navigator for a complete breakdown

Utilizing a Buyer Representation Agreement

While some states have required the use of a Buyer Representation Agreement in the past, this has not been a requirement in the overall practice of real estate in the United States. Going forward, real estate professionals working with potential Buyers will be required before touring to enter into a written agreement that clearly discloses the details of the compensation that will be received. The amount of compensation specified must be objectively ascertainable and cannot be open-ended.

Download the Buyer Agent Navigator for a complete breakdown

Disclosure of Compensation

Going forward, we expect to see additional simple disclosures either as part of the state requirements and/or as part of individual brokerage requirements that agents must clearly communicate, educate, and disclose at the earliest moment possible how compensation works in the real estate transaction, including that broker commissions are not set by law and are fully negotiable. In addition, while we have been following this rule for a while, the practice changes make clear that a Buyer’s Agent may not advertise or otherwise represent their services as “free” unless they are to receive no financial compensation from any source.

Download the Buyer Agent Navigator for a complete breakdown

Our industry needed a playbook to address the post-NAR settlement changes… so we wrote one. Download the Buyer Agent Navigator here.
100% Free. Available to All.
What Does
Look Like?
State-by-State Implementation
26 Scenarios That Every Agent Must Learn to Navigate
Simple Rules But Complex Implementation
These new rules fundamentally change the practice of real estate in the United States. Although these foundational changes may seem straightforward, implementing them is incredibly complex – mainly because of the numerous parties involved in the process.

Download the 26 scenarios that every agent must navigate
Three Big Questions
  1. How do brokerages interpret and implement these rules in brokerage policies and procedures?
  2. How do states and local associations interpret and implement these rules into the ongoing practice of real estate including in the MLS, forms and agreements, workflows and policies and overall enforceability in the state in which the broker/agent is licensed?
  3. How do licensed agents learn and understand what is expected of them at a brokerage level and, more importantly, at a state and local level?
Navigating The Complex Answers
  1. Brokerage Response: These are new practice changes and most brokerages are being proactive and taking a stand on key issues outlined in the NAR settlement agreement.
  2. State and Local Organizations Response: We expect to see a variety of different strategic responses from state and local organizations related to forms, workflows, and polices as the practical implementation is extremely complex and nuanced. We also expect there to be updates and iterations to these practices as the feedback loop kicks in over the coming months.
  3. Agent Response: Unfortunately, licensed agents in each local market are bearing the brunt of this complexity. This has resulted in philosophical issues with the NAR settlement agreement as a whole, frustration with how complex the practice changes are and its state-specific implementation, and the lack of a simple, yet comprehensive, playbook to both learn and teach these practice changes so that they can be adopted by agents with minimal friction.
Agent Success Scenarios
We put together 26 practical scenarios and questions to give you a jumpstart for immediately understanding the new rule set.

This list is by no means exhaustive; however, we see this as a thoughtful jumping off point for you to start your learnings based on the new rule set. Our recommendation is to download our workbook and get the answers from your state (board, MLS, or designated body) or your designated broker for each of these scenarios and write them down. We believe that this will help you not only understand the scenario completely, but also be able to explain their nuances to your clients as needed.

26 scenarios that every agent must learn to navigate
NAR Objection
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Client-Facing Explainer Video
A short, unbranded video to send to clients who want to understand what the NAR settlement changes mean for them.
Client-Facing Home
Buyer Masterclass Replay
Our prerecorded masterclass that walks clients through our proven process to purchase a home in today's market.
Client Education
Everything you need to educate your clients on what the NAR settlement changes mean for them
Client-Facing Explainer Video
A short, unbranded video to send to clients who want to understand what the NAR settlement changes mean for them.
Residential Real Estate Consumer Awareness Guide
Understanding the key practice changes to buying and selling real estate in the US in 2024 and beyond.